Numismatics, roman Alexandria, Byzantine Empire

since 2023: PhD student, University of Bern and Ca' Foscari University of Venice
Thesis: "The Drovetti numismatic collection. With a catalog of the imperial Roman coins (Augustus-Trajan)" (working title)

2023 School of Specialization in Archaeological Heritage, University of Turin
Thesis: “Il Catalogo delle monete bizantine del Museo di Antichità di Torino”

2016 Master in Archaeology and Ancient History, University of Turin
Thesis: "Le monete bizantine di VI secolo del Museo di Antichità di Torino"

2013 Bachelor in Historical-Artistic and Archaeological Cultural Heritage, University of Turin
Thesis: "I luoghi di potere a Torino nel basso Medioevo"


Curriculum Vitae (447KB)