Juuli Ahola

PhD Student, SNSF Starting Grant

Postal Address
Mittelstrasse 43
CH‐3012 Bern
  • Eastern Mediterranean Bronze Age; Cyprus, the Levant, Egypt, Nubia 
  • Cross-cultural connections and the spread of ideas 
  • Craft production and technologies with a focus on pottery 
  • History of archaeology and excavations & legacy data and museum collections 

Doctoral Candidate in Near Eastern Archaeology at the University of Bern in the SNSF-funded project “Understanding Socio-Economic Complexity in Eastern Mediterranean Protohistory (CYPEC)”. Supervisor Teresa Bürge.

Project Researcher in the "Finnish SJE Nubia Collection Project” (PI Oula Seitsonen) (part-time)
Moving, digitizing and studying the collection of ceramics from the Scandinavian Joint-Expedition to Sudanese Nubia 1961-1964, now stored in Vantaa, Finland.

Ceramic Analyst Intern in the project “Ritual or Refuse? Depositional Practices in Wells and Shafts: Late Bronze Age Cyprus as a Case Study" (PI Teresa Bürge)

Master of Arts in Near Eastern Archaeology, University of Copenhagen
Thesis with distinction: "Re-examining the spread of ideas along the Bronze Age Nile. Ceramic jugs in the Nubian-Egyptian borderland", supervisor Tobias Richter

Research and Administrative Intern (EDUFI), Finnish Institute at Athens

Collections Intern, Uppsala University Museum Gustavianum
Digitizing the Sinda Excavation Collection from Cyprus

Bachelor of Arts in Egyptology, Uppsala University
Thesis: “The Game of Senet in Mortuary Practices on Bronze Age Cyprus”, supervisor Anne Landborg 

Decolonizing Middle Eastern Studies – Critical Perspectives and Emerging Debates. The Seventh Finnish Colloquium of Middle East and North African Studies. University of Tampere with the Finnish Institute in the Middle East, 10-11 June 2024. Conference Secretary in charge of practical organization and Chair of two sessions.