ARWA – 1st International Congress

Congress postponed to 2024

About ARWA

The International Association for Archaeological Research in Western & Central Asia (ARWA) was founded in 2020 and brings together approximately 500 scholars from various disciplines in the Humanities and natural sciences who work on the cultures of Western and Central Asia. More about ARWA...

Where and When

ARWA's first international conference, ARWA-IC 1, will be hosted from Tuesday, April 19th to Saturday, April 23rd 2022 in Bern by the Swiss Society for Ancient Near Eastern Studies (SGOA) and the University of Bern's Institute for Archaeological Sciences (IAW) and Centre for Global Studies of the Walter Benjamin College (CGS).

Deadline for lecture or poster proposals: 30 November 2021. The early-bird period ends on 31 December 2021.


The topic will be Dwellings, Living Conditions and Diet in Western and Central Asia.
More about the topic...

Organization of the Congress

In order to avoid fragmentation into individual discussions, there will be no parallel sessions but only one panel in which all participants are included across disciplines.
More about the organization of the meeting...

Registration and Fees

To register for the conference, please use the registration tool. Registration will be opened on 1 June 2021 and will remain open up until 18 April 2022. The early-bird period ends on 31 December 2021. After that date, the increased conference fees will apply. Registration fees will be waived for ARWA student members; members with an income will pay a registration fee of € 80, non-members of will be charged € 120. The amounts increase to € 100 and € 140 respectively for registration after 31 December 2021.


If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact Sabine and Silvana via

Coronavirus - Current situation

There is a certificate requirement for all activities that take place within the framework of the university. A fact sheet on the general handling of the current situation can be found here. Answers to current questions can be found here.

First circular

You can downlowad the first circular here: 


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