
Sesterzenhortfund in Orselina (TI) im Jahr 2014

Coins are among the most significant of archaeological finds, conveying far more than just typological or chronological information. In numismatics, coins are considered to be important communicative relics of those who manufactured and distributed them. Thus, a coin not only reveals information about economic structures, but is also a medium for images and writing, and thus an expression of official messages and ideology.

Archaeological numismatics is interested in how a coin was used, from the perspective of the user. In this respect, coins are not only valuable objects as means of payment, but can also serve as votives or funeral offerings, tokens, symbols of desire or rejection. In general, we find coins to be multilayered archaeological objects whose interpretation can reveal a wide field of information about their cultural context.

The following personnel from the AMM and ARP sections of the Department of Archaeology are involved in the teaching and research of archaeological numismatics.


Der Münzschatz von Ueken

Über 4000 römische Silbermünzen, gefunden im Fricktal. Zur Zeit der Römer waren diese Münzen ein kleines Vermögen wert. Heute freuen sich vor allem die Archäologen über den aussergewöhnlichen Fund.

Weitere Informationen:
SRF, mySchool
Kantonsarchäologie Aargau