2022: Ph.D. in Archaeological Sciences (in English), University of Bern
Thesis: “Change, Continuity and Identity: Cilician Houses and Households from Neo Cilician 5 until Late Cilician 4 (605 B.C. - A.D. 300)”
(Betreut durch: Prof. Dr. Mirko Novák and Prof. Dr. Deniz Burcu Erciyas)
2018: M.Sc. in Settlement Archaeology (in English), Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey
Thesis: “Identity in Pontus from the Achaemenids through the Roman Period”
(Betreut durch: Prof. Dr. Deniz Burcu Erciyas)
2014: B.A Classical Archaeology (in Turkish)
Istanbul University, Istanbul, Turkey
2013: Classical Archaeology (in Italian)
'Sapienza' - University of Rome (LLP Erasmus), Rome, Italy(
Curriculum vitae (pdf, 259KB)